2107 N. Broadway Ste. 108, Santa Ana, CA 92706
714-285-4800, 800-9-INSURE

Why It Is Important to Review Your Business Insurance Annually

One of the keys to managing risks when you first start a business is getting the right insurance to cover your operations, property and potential liabilities.

Unfortunately, many business owners fail to update their policies and just renew them year after year even if the company has grown, expanded operations and facilities, and added new equipment and property. If this is the case, the old coverage would be insufficient.

Business owners should review their policies every year to catch any omissions and make sure they are not underinsured. It is common for smaller businesses to secure a basic business owner’s policy (BOP) and workers’ comp when they first get started. A BOP includes:

Outgrowing BOP coverage

As your business expands, you may outgrow the BOP and need additional coverage to manage your risks. Some examples include the following:

Depending on the business, some or most of these insurance options may be required for adequate protection. Annual reviews with us are ideal for discussing your options. Make sure these elements are considered: